Monday, September 19, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What a weekend : A weekend late

Viva David!

This past weekend has got to be one of the best we've had in a long time. Saturday we celebrated Davids birthday at Chuck E Cheese with family and friends. Everything turned out great. Pretty much everyone showed up, David wasn't scared of the rat and Nate finally conquered his fear of climbing into the indoor playground(He's always been scared of them, they don't feel stable to him=) David had a blast riding the little rides. Nate did the ticket blaster for him and scored 800 tickets! We got home pretty late and David was so excited playing with his new toys that he didn't fall asleep until 11pm!

Sunday we watched the Texans whoop ass and ate Wings, followed by a nice nap, a trip to the park and the raspa place. Pretty good weekend if ya ask me ;)

Daddy with his boys

Posing with his big cousin, Carissa

Poor baby=(

Grandma & the newest addition to the Hernandez family, Miss Jayleen Olivia!

The Bff, Carlen, and her son Caden

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My David

Here are a few recent pics of David. He's grown so much over the summer and is doing new things everyday. Some things he loves to do is dance, push anything and everything around the house, wrestle with his best friend and older brother, Nathan, listen to the Spongebob theme song.."Oh.......who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" That song will stop him in his tracks. He also likes to watch Play with Me Sesame in the early mornings while his daddy gets ready for work


Thursday, September 1, 2011

David is now the big 0-1!

This past Monday, my David turned 1! I was so excited for him and was singing Happy Birthday to him all day long. I decorated the house with balloons and streamers and we ordered pizza and had cake. A tradition we started with Nate. Nate got the party started with a music and a game of hot potato. It was nice. He opened presents from us and his memaw and pawpaw. We're having his party next weekend so everyone can celebrate with him.

Unfortunately today he is sick with a nasty cold. Is it just me or does that always happens when a kid turns one. Thank goodness we're not having the party this weekend. The poor baby tossed and turned the whole night with a slight fever. Hes a tough little guy so I know he'll get better soon.

Well thats all for now, Ill have to remember to upload the pictures from his mini party


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can't Hardly Wait....

for this class to be over with! Im taking my final class for my associates degree this summer and it is stressing me out. 8 yrs, 1 marriage, 2 children later Im finally in the home stretch of this part of my academic career. It has taken me nearly a decade but I am determined to finish what I started out.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer. where are you going?

Just when I thought we were finally getting into the summer groove, Im bombarded with back to school sales, backpacks, school supplies, summer clearance.(Head spinning) Even Walgreens had candy corn advertised in their weekly ad. Yowza!

We've had a busy past couple of weeks with basketball games, birthday parties, cousin sleepovers. Willie and I were finally able to enjoy a relaxing evening alone watching scary movies and having a few drinks(kiddos were put to bed early).

August will be a busy month for us. Nathan will be starting 1st grade. Finally a real number grade! Willie will be graduating from the police academy and my little monster, David, will be celebrating his 1st birthday. I need to get the ball rolling on planning his party. It'll be here before I know it.

(Father's Day Breakfast at my grandpas house )

(Willie's first Father's Day with his 2 boys)

(Nathan at his first basketball game)

(David up to no good)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Work it out

I woke up early this morning because I needed to get back on track with the workouts. About three weeks ago I started taking an aerobics class that a mother from Nate's school recommended. I was going about 2x a week and really got a good workout from it. Last week I spent my all my free time studying for my first exam(which I passed with a 100..oh Yeah!) so I wasnt able to go. Anyways, I decided to go to the gym instead and Im glad I did. The incline on the treadmill is a killah I tell you.

David cried in the childcare center so I had to cut it a bit short.I plan to go everyday this week, we are right dab in the middle of summer break and I am totally nowhere near bikini body ready, or tankini body ready.

Nathan spent the day at my brothers playing with his cousins. I heard he spent the day playing on the kinect building clubhouses out of sheets and the occasional fight with his younger cousin. Ahhhh how I miss those fun carefree summers as a kid.

Here are a few pics from the past couple of months

Us at a family party

David's 1st Chuck E. ride

My handsome little man at his Kinder Graduation

Dinner with my best friends

Mother's Day in Galveston

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Me and my Three

So summer is in full effect. Nathan's been out of school for almost a month. He finished spring baseball undefeated and started basketball. His first game was this past Saturday, they didnt win but he sure did look cute on the court.
David's almost 10 months! He's been busy crawling, climbing and putting anything into his mouth that will fit. He currently says "da-da", "Nathan(the-the)" and "caca" lol. His top teeth are coming in so he looks extra cute when he smiles.
I enrolled in my last class needed for my associates degree. It has taken me forever, I 've been taking breaks here and there but im back on track. Go Rachel!
Willie is almost finished with the academy and is doing really well. He should be finished this August, very close to David's 1st birthday which I need to start brainstorming about.
So, thats basically a small update of what my family and I have been up to these past few weeks.
I plan to post pictures soon, I have to re-install the program on my virus infested computer. Sounds gross=/

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hallelujah they fit!

Spent the morning shopping with Willie and David. We bought Nate Dawgs baseball gear. Can't wait to see him all suited up next weekend=) Since the mall was right next door we decided to make a quick stop in which ultimately turned into a four hour shopping trip. Will found 2 pair of jeans for $35 bucks! He needed some since he's lost a lot of weight from being in the Police Academy. I used my gift cards that I got for free from a mall promotion and bought a pair of destroyed cutoff jeans. Im so happy that Im past the weird post pregnancy body stage. Im still far from where I want to be but Its good to actually be a real size. I also bought 2 bracelets from New York and Company. Since my eyebrows were in pretty bad shape I stopped in the Brow Bar for threading and I loved it so much. So much better than waxing. My arch is more defined. Tomorrow morning Im going to be reading to Nate's Kinder class. Im a bit nervous about it even though I love reading to Nathan and being very dramatic with it. Hope all goes well.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Silhouette SD

I've been obsessed about getting one of these after reading about it on one of my fave blogs Life in the fun lane. Its just what I need for all of mine and Nate's projects. But of course I will have to wait since we just splurged on my Canon not too long ago....sigh. Im already daydreaming of all the neat things I can make with this badboy.

Dancing nate

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Movie Date

Just got back from the best movie date ever... with my lil big man Nate. We've started reading the Diary of A Wimpy Kid series ever since the first movie came out. We had a great time, ordered smoothies and and candy. The movie was good also.

Its nice to spend one on one time with him. Now that we have 2 its hard to balance time for everyone. I try as best as I am able to.

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Friday night....and the moon is bright

The weeks have been going by so quick lately. Ive been pretty busy with all of Nathan's school projects/field trips and keeping up with a squirmy baby. T.G.I.F. because that means my kids and I get my husband all to ourselves.

In other news, I signed Nate up for baseball! This will be his first time playing and we're all pretty excited. He'll be playing on the Colorado Rockies, he same team his dad played on as a kid so thats pretty damn awesome.
Random recent pics

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nathan turned 6

Yesterday was Nathan's 6th birthday. I can't believe how big my boy is. My dad, David and I took cupcakes, juice and candy boxes to his class. We all had a really good time. It was also my dad's birthday. We went out for breakfast in the morning then had cake at the house. Will kept the tradition alive and brought Nathan gifts after work. Later that night Paul made Nate a brownie cake and we all sang happy birthday. I started feeling sad because this was the first birthday Willie wasn't able to celebrate with us on his actual bday. Oh well I guess. His party is this Saturday at Main Event and he sure is excited. Here are pics of previous birthdays...cue in Jack Johnson "The Monkey Song" as Nate used to call it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lazy day

Today was the first time in long time I actually had the opportunity to take a good long nap.AHHH I loved it. I love to sleep but its hard when you have kiddos.
It was supposed to snow today but instead all we got was ice.At least Nate and Will had the day off...hence my good long nap.

So today was a lazy, cold, boring day. The only excitement was me having to snip a little piece of David's hair off because he had a knot.

Nathan having fun with the box

The Great David putting on a concert

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Getting back into the groove of things

Willie started the academy yesterday. There was so much paperwork that needed to be turned in. Of course Will is the biggest procrastinator around. Luckily he was able to pull everything together during his week and a half break.
It was back to school this morning for Nate. He woke up extra early(on his own I might add) and couldn't wait to see his buds that is until the crying started. While waiting for the kinder doors to open a couple of kids began crying and begging their mothers to take them home. I could see Nate was beginning to feel a bit sad so I gave him a quick hug and high five then rushed him inside. Short and sweet.
After finishing my morning cup of coffee I decided to pop in a mommy and me workout dvd. I only did the 10 minute workout but boy was my heart pounding. That's all for now, Davids up from his 10 minute nap. I swear they get shorter and shorter each day.