Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nathan turned 6

Yesterday was Nathan's 6th birthday. I can't believe how big my boy is. My dad, David and I took cupcakes, juice and candy boxes to his class. We all had a really good time. It was also my dad's birthday. We went out for breakfast in the morning then had cake at the house. Will kept the tradition alive and brought Nathan gifts after work. Later that night Paul made Nate a brownie cake and we all sang happy birthday. I started feeling sad because this was the first birthday Willie wasn't able to celebrate with us on his actual bday. Oh well I guess. His party is this Saturday at Main Event and he sure is excited. Here are pics of previous birthdays...cue in Jack Johnson "The Monkey Song" as Nate used to call it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lazy day

Today was the first time in long time I actually had the opportunity to take a good long nap.AHHH I loved it. I love to sleep but its hard when you have kiddos.
It was supposed to snow today but instead all we got was ice.At least Nate and Will had the day off...hence my good long nap.

So today was a lazy, cold, boring day. The only excitement was me having to snip a little piece of David's hair off because he had a knot.

Nathan having fun with the box

The Great David putting on a concert