Monday, September 19, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What a weekend : A weekend late

Viva David!

This past weekend has got to be one of the best we've had in a long time. Saturday we celebrated Davids birthday at Chuck E Cheese with family and friends. Everything turned out great. Pretty much everyone showed up, David wasn't scared of the rat and Nate finally conquered his fear of climbing into the indoor playground(He's always been scared of them, they don't feel stable to him=) David had a blast riding the little rides. Nate did the ticket blaster for him and scored 800 tickets! We got home pretty late and David was so excited playing with his new toys that he didn't fall asleep until 11pm!

Sunday we watched the Texans whoop ass and ate Wings, followed by a nice nap, a trip to the park and the raspa place. Pretty good weekend if ya ask me ;)

Daddy with his boys

Posing with his big cousin, Carissa

Poor baby=(

Grandma & the newest addition to the Hernandez family, Miss Jayleen Olivia!

The Bff, Carlen, and her son Caden

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My David

Here are a few recent pics of David. He's grown so much over the summer and is doing new things everyday. Some things he loves to do is dance, push anything and everything around the house, wrestle with his best friend and older brother, Nathan, listen to the Spongebob theme song.."Oh.......who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" That song will stop him in his tracks. He also likes to watch Play with Me Sesame in the early mornings while his daddy gets ready for work


Thursday, September 1, 2011

David is now the big 0-1!

This past Monday, my David turned 1! I was so excited for him and was singing Happy Birthday to him all day long. I decorated the house with balloons and streamers and we ordered pizza and had cake. A tradition we started with Nate. Nate got the party started with a music and a game of hot potato. It was nice. He opened presents from us and his memaw and pawpaw. We're having his party next weekend so everyone can celebrate with him.

Unfortunately today he is sick with a nasty cold. Is it just me or does that always happens when a kid turns one. Thank goodness we're not having the party this weekend. The poor baby tossed and turned the whole night with a slight fever. Hes a tough little guy so I know he'll get better soon.

Well thats all for now, Ill have to remember to upload the pictures from his mini party
