Thursday, December 30, 2010


Okay, I usually dont post twice in the same day but theres no rules to bloggings.
I've been feeling real bad about about my weight lately. Its baby weight plus holiday weight. Willie even joked about buying me pajama jeans because I cant find a pair of jeans that fit. Not good. I have no excuse not to at least try to lose some weight. I figured instead of beating myself up about it Im going to do something about it. Starting tomorrow the hubbs and I are going for a jog at the track. We have a treadmill at home so I can use that sometime in between David's naps.
So, there ya have it. This is not a New Year's Resolution just the start of a healthier and happier me.

Winter Break

David at Grandpa Willie's house
David, G-pa Willie, Willie and Nathan(please excuse my tipsy picture taking)

Nate is nearing the end of his 2 week Christmas break. Im sorry to say we haven't done much. No trips to the zoo(our membership expires soon and we've only used it 2x) No playing outside(its either been totally freezing or hot and rainy go figure. So, here we are, lounging around at home. Im hoping we'll be able to get some fun activity in before he goes back to school.

My husband is lucky enough to also get some paid time off from work. A week to be exact. Hes been using his time working out and getting all the necessary paperwork done for the police academy.He starts this Monday and I am so happy for him. The only downside is that hes going to be gone for most of the week. He begins his job at 6 am and will end class at 10:30 pm. Monday thru Friday. Its going to be a rough 8 months but definitely worth it.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

Lots of presents, good food and in the company of those I love most. ~Merry Christmas~

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New swag!

So I finally upgraded to a new cell. I'm not much of a gizmos and gadgets kinda girl but to tell you the truth the last "new" phone I had was the Motorola Razor(Gasp) . Well, not really I bought a used phone from my friend, Raquel, last summer but used doesnt count.
Saturday Will and I bought a new camera. It was pricey but definitely worth it. I want nice photos of my boys. Im still messing around with it and plan on reading the manuals it came with.
This week is Nate's last week of school before Christmas break. He has a ton of cool, fun things going on its hard to keep up with.

Here are a few pics from me testing out the new Rebel today.

Don't judge me, it was early

David and Scruff

Our two boys

My handsome son

Daddy's Mini Me

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My "Short" Day

Im grateful that my kids get to see my dad everyday. He tags along in the mornings and afternoons to drop/pick up Nate from school. My dad was in prison for a big part of my life and has been out for about 7 or 8 years now. Sometimes it feels surreal. When he was in "college" I never thought I'd see the day when he was free. Okay, enough of that.

This morning was super chilly. I love it though, i'm not much of a hot weather girl. After dropping off Nate, my dad, David and I went to our spot...McDonald's for coffee and cookies.

Here are a few pics I snapped of David while waiting to pick up his big brother.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Meet David

I went into labor about 2 weeks after my last post. David arrived a little early. My September baby was born in August hehe. I was upset about that as Willie drove me to the hospital, I had my heart set on a September baby. Luckily my husband was there to remind me that as long as hes healthy who cares what month he was born in. Poor Nate had the most panicked look on his face. Maybe I should start from the beginning...

It was a Saturday evening. I was grumpy because Willie didnt want to go out. I was going on and on about how this may be the last weekend we will be able to get out before the baby arrives. I left to eat with my brother and sister in law while he stayed home with Nate. It was a late dinner(I think a UFC fight was on) and I was stuffed with hot wings and fries. Just as I laid down for bed my water broke! Willie and I were still giving each other the silent treatment so when I screamed for his name he knew something was up. Anyways I was totally unprepared to say the least. I had not registered at the hospital or packed my bag or even bought a cute take home outfit for David.
I must say, this was the easiest delivery ever thank you Jesus. Hardly no pain and he came out in about 2 pushes! 6 lbs 14 oz. There is something so special about the 2nd labor and delivery. WIth Nathan everything was a blur. I was younger, scared and didnt know what to expect. With David I took the time to soak everything in. After delivery I got extremely sick and threw up a couple times. My nurse gave me some meds through the IV that had me acting like a drunk. Will and my dad said I was talking about shopping at Ross. I was completely out of it. Kind of a bummer because I dont remember much of David when he was first born.
Hes 3 1/2 months now and I hear he's a mini-me. Hes already had his first Halloween(He was a puppy) and his first Thanksgiving. I cant wait until Christmas and the many more Holidays to come, our little family of four.