Monday, June 11, 2012


We just got back from our trip to Austin yesterday afternoon. We had a good time and soo needed a little getaway. Friday we went to the bike rally parade near the Capital with the familia. We weren't planning on going but were told it was kid friendly plus everyone was going to Baby A's afterwards. The parade was ok, a little too loud for the kids. Dinner was good the food was good and the Rita's were strong.
Saturday we did a little shopping had lunch with the family then went to my cousin, Tiffany's graduation party. The boys were the life of the party busting out all their dance moves!
Sunday we visited with my great aunt nene before heading back to Houston . It's amazing how everything at the house is exactly the same, even down to the smell!
All in all it was a good trip. We even stopped at Berdoll's for some pecans and souvenirs for the boys.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's summah time

Ok so my waking the boys up early is not working out as planned...who was I kidding! We don't get out of bed too late though. This morning I took the boys out to ride their bikes. In this Houston heat we have to get out early in the morning or late evening otherwise it's way too hot.
Today has been a pretty laid back kinda day, so far. I discovered the little one has a habit of throwing things and not just trash away. For awhile now I've been wondering "where the hell are all of his sippy cups?" i know I just bought a new pack not too long away. Well yesterday I caught him red handed throwing the cup away. This morning I caught him throwing his bowl of fruit and spoon away. Crazy boy!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer break

I realize summer vacation means staying up late, sleeping in yada, yada, yada but I need these kids to stay on their schedule! I can't believe school is out already. I hope to make this summer a fun one for the boys. We bought season passes to the Houston zoo and to Splashtown. Fun stuff.
This month is going to be jam packed for us,grad parties, trip to Austin, birthday parties and summer basketball. I can't wait for it all.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Come what MAY!!!

With May just around the corner, like tomorrow I can't help but feel excited for all thats coming up these next few months, Cinco de Mayo festival, Field Day, the big fight Saturday, last day of school for Nate, baseball games, pool parties, basketball season at the Y, graduations and grad parties, zoo memberships and Splashtown season passes. Whew, that's a lot!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mornings with little man

Very much the "outdoors-y" type...David that is.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

My bro and SIL hosted Easter this year. It was nice out and we all had a good time. Nate had fun with his cousin and even made a new friend. David was a natural at getting eggs. Here are a few pics from my phone. I just realized I wasn't able to get any of Nate because he was running around everywhere.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I am totally exhausted! So much done today and still so much to do. Right now I'm waiting for David to fall asleep so I can put the boys Easter baskets together, finish decorating eggs with Nate, blow dry my hair, paint my nails oh yea, and throw in a load of laundry. I cannot wait to hit the sack:)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Willie it's your Birthday"

Happy 27th birthday to my amazing husband, Will!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pet peeve

Parents who only call their child by their middle name. If you liked it so much it should've been their first name....geez.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Spring break has come and gone and now it's time to get back into the groove of things. We kicked it with cousin sleepovers, a birthday party, baseball practices, movies, snacks and ended it at Kemah. It was fun and I'm sad Nate has to go back to school tomorrow. In just one week David has picked up so many new words. Can't wait for summer vacation to get here.