Saturday, July 31, 2010

Parasites, Handy husband, Home-y and new addition

This past week has been extremely stressful on me. Nathan has been sick ever since we moved and we now know what was causing it. Giardia(yikes) We're thinking he picked it up from a pool party he attended last month but of course there is no way to know for sure. He's taken medication and he seems so much better.
Willie decided to take today off from work. He's been working so hard non stop. It was nice having him around during the day and seeing him and Nate play games, put a tv stand together, ya know father son kind of stuff.
I finally found curtains ! I've been looking for dark brown energy saving curtains and finally found them at Target for 9.99 ea. Our house feels more cozy. My dad also gave us a coffee table which we plan to sand down and paint. Now I need to find a nice rug and start putting pictures up. My father in law is going to help us sometime next week with the cabinets.
In other news, Im due in about a month. This pregnancy sure has flown by. I can't wait to see our son and for Nathan to finally be a big brother. I can't even imagine how its going to be. Im so used to it being just us 3 and now there is a new addition. Im so excited.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I wanna go home....Or do I?

We finally moved. The move happened so quickly I really didn't have time to think about how I felt or Nathan felt about the move. I must admit the first 2 days were the worst. I felt kinda alone, especially Friday because Willie had to work late so by the time he got home we were already asleep. It is getting better though. I was trying to keep Nathan and myself busy these past couple of days. We went shopping to look for curtains. Of course I bought him a few knick knacks(dontcha just love that word) along the way. We visited his cousins, played at Zuma's, and spent a day at my moms house. Today he said he just wanted to stay home so I felt good about that.
We went grocery shopping last night. We later learned that our oven and new microwave do not work! Aghhhhh Willie and I were both so frustrated.
Tomorrow I have an appt with my hematologist. I think she wants to put me on IV iron. Hopefully my iron levels are back up and she nixes the iron..I highly doubt it though.

Pregnant+Texas heat=No bueno

Monday, July 12, 2010

Family of 4

It's been awhile since my last post. Willie and I are expecting baby #2 this September. We're naming him David. His big brother, Nathan, picked it out. We are all very excited to be adding a new member to our little family. This past weekend, my mom threw me a baby shower. Here are a few pics ...

In other news, Nathan has completed his first year of pre-k and is starting kinder this fall! I can't believe how fast my little guy is growing up. When he first started school I cried because I didn't want him to go, at the end of the year I cried because I didn't want him to leave. He's made so many friends and has really come out of his shell. I have to be the proudest mama out there.

Lastly, we are in the process of moving. This will be our first time out on our own. When Willie first moved in with me and my family the plan was to stay here until we both finished school. Well, it has taken us a little longer than expected. With the new baby coming we decided we are finally ready to leave. Im excited(I just wish the packing and unpacking could be done for me). Im so lazy.

This year so far, has brought a lot of change for us, Im so very grateful it has been for the better.