Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just the two of us

Here's a pic from our vacation in New Braunfels earlier this month. Nate and I were snuggled up in the cabin watching cartoons. This summer has gone by pretty fast. I have to say I can't wait for the season to change. It is so hot. My "angel" Willie found the cord to my camera so I was finally able to upload photos from the far.

The weekend can't come any faster, tomorrow is Will's baseball game(Go Nawfside Hype!) Saturday morning I plan on going garage sale-ing. I haven't been in so long but will be on the lookout for any decor or furniture pieces I can add to Nathan's room. We plan on painting his room in the afternoon. Poor kid, he's been waiting and ready since last weekend. Saturday evening is my cousins pool party. It should be fun, We haven't spent time with my dad's side for awhile. Sunday is church then back to school shopping for Nathan. Im so glad I started shopping last year. He has a ton of pieces already. I put some things up on craigslist, hopefully they sell because I need to make room

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Extreme Room Makeover

Ok so maybe not extreme but I am in the process of redecorating Nathan's room. It's currently Superhero 'd out. He's still into them but not as much as he was maybe a year ago. I decided to do something that he can grow into so I'm doing a Sports/School theme. I found a very nice comforter set at Target today. In my opinion its a more updated version of the typical sports bedding that is out there and at 39.99 it was a steal.

I also bought the matching lamp. I seen it online and didnt think much but when I saw it in person I really liked it. The colors are nice and the baseball bat base is clever. The best part of all is the the whistle cord used to turn it off and on. It was 29.99, a little more than I wanted to spend but It will add a nice touch to the room.

Nate doesn't have a nightstand, we didnt think he needed one when we bought his bedroom set last year. He has a Step 2 bookshelf toybox that has his lamp on it. His room is small and this piece takes up a lot of space. I had in mind a locker nightstand but they are not available locally and are too expensive online. Over $200 plus and extra $100 for shipping! That is way too much for a little nightstand. has a locker storage unit that customers have used as nightstand. It looks small but the measurements are much larger than expected. Its made by KidKraft and is priced at 59.88 with site to store shipping.

Im still on the seach for a tv stand. His is a hand me down and looks quite beaten up. He has a ton of games and videos so Im looking for something that will keep everything nice and organized. I also want to hang up a cork board or something along that line for him to hang up his drawings and school work. Yes he starts pre-k this August! Its very bittersweet for me:/Willie suggested a small desk, not sure if he'll have room for it but I am going to be selling a lot of things that he no longer uses or plays with. Maybe I'll try Ikea.There is still the little knick-knacks that will help complete his room so I'll be checking out stores, garage sales, online(craigslist, kingwoodyardsales) for a good deal. Hopefully everything will be done by the time he starts school.

Over the weekend we picked up a gallon of blue paint(Song Bird) , a football picture frame($2.00 at Big Lots) and a sheet set at Walmart on sale for 7.50. I also bought a couple of school supplies for him which was exciting but just made me realize how fast my baby is growing up.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

North America: Places I want to go

Canada: Something about Canada, from their eh's to their moose, there's something about Canada. Oh Canada!

Fall in Boston: I love their accents, not to mention Mark Whalberg is from there, the scenery is quite beautiful.

San Francisco: Whatever happened to predictability? I was told by my uncle that this is the place to go, Golden Gate Bridge looks neat to drive across, Lombard Street and Alcatraz Island. Seems to make a great Rodriguez Family Vacation.

Lake Tahoe: When I picture the perfect setting this is what comes to mind. Ice-capped mountains, ice-blue lake, and pines! I can imagine being in a small laske-side cabin reading a book. My mother in law vacationed here during the winter, hopefully we'll be able to make the trip out there.

Vermont: Why Vermont? Just because. I've always wanted to drive through a bridge like that. I didn't post a pic of the fall foliage but thats the real reason why I want to visit this state. For those who know me, it's no secret that i love Autumn!Heck, I was even tempted to get a small reddish orange fall leaf tattoo on my hip! Like a song can take you back, there is something about the reds, and oranges of the leaves that take me back to a place when I was most happy as a kid. My wedding was set in October because I had this vision of how everything would look and feel. Houston autumn is no Vermont autumn so this is very high on my must-sees.

Maine: Lighthouses! They seem so spooky. I have family(from my father's side) who live in Maine. Maybe I'll try clam chowder...maybe not!

Ok, so many of my must see places have something in common, they are not hot and humid. That has to be the worst weather combo in my opinion. I hope to knock 1 of these places off within 3 yrs. Maybe for an anniversary(Willie I hope you read my blog)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Damn you Carlen's mom & her delicious cake!!

This past week has been pretty busy for me. A good friend came in from Africa(Its been almost 2 yrs since I've seen her last). It was nice getting together with the girls & the guys(for once!). I'll post pics when I find the cord to my camera.

Yesterday while surfing the web I found the perfect Halloween costume for my Natester and yes I usually start looking months in advance. What can I say, Halloween is my favorite holiday. There is even a small device that makes the jumping noise and fireballs. Last year I was so busy with the wedding and side-tracked by Ike that I didnt get a chance to put much effort into looking for a costume so he ended up being a Blue Power Ranger, pretty plain but he liked it.

Today is a lazy Sunday. Willie is taking the car for an oil change, Nate is watching Spongebob and Im attempting to spruce up my blog. Have a great week everyone!