Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can't Hardly Wait....

for this class to be over with! Im taking my final class for my associates degree this summer and it is stressing me out. 8 yrs, 1 marriage, 2 children later Im finally in the home stretch of this part of my academic career. It has taken me nearly a decade but I am determined to finish what I started out.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer. where are you going?

Just when I thought we were finally getting into the summer groove, Im bombarded with back to school sales, backpacks, school supplies, summer clearance.(Head spinning) Even Walgreens had candy corn advertised in their weekly ad. Yowza!

We've had a busy past couple of weeks with basketball games, birthday parties, cousin sleepovers. Willie and I were finally able to enjoy a relaxing evening alone watching scary movies and having a few drinks(kiddos were put to bed early).

August will be a busy month for us. Nathan will be starting 1st grade. Finally a real number grade! Willie will be graduating from the police academy and my little monster, David, will be celebrating his 1st birthday. I need to get the ball rolling on planning his party. It'll be here before I know it.

(Father's Day Breakfast at my grandpas house )

(Willie's first Father's Day with his 2 boys)

(Nathan at his first basketball game)

(David up to no good)