Monday, June 27, 2011

Work it out

I woke up early this morning because I needed to get back on track with the workouts. About three weeks ago I started taking an aerobics class that a mother from Nate's school recommended. I was going about 2x a week and really got a good workout from it. Last week I spent my all my free time studying for my first exam(which I passed with a 100..oh Yeah!) so I wasnt able to go. Anyways, I decided to go to the gym instead and Im glad I did. The incline on the treadmill is a killah I tell you.

David cried in the childcare center so I had to cut it a bit short.I plan to go everyday this week, we are right dab in the middle of summer break and I am totally nowhere near bikini body ready, or tankini body ready.

Nathan spent the day at my brothers playing with his cousins. I heard he spent the day playing on the kinect building clubhouses out of sheets and the occasional fight with his younger cousin. Ahhhh how I miss those fun carefree summers as a kid.

Here are a few pics from the past couple of months

Us at a family party

David's 1st Chuck E. ride

My handsome little man at his Kinder Graduation

Dinner with my best friends

Mother's Day in Galveston

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Me and my Three

So summer is in full effect. Nathan's been out of school for almost a month. He finished spring baseball undefeated and started basketball. His first game was this past Saturday, they didnt win but he sure did look cute on the court.
David's almost 10 months! He's been busy crawling, climbing and putting anything into his mouth that will fit. He currently says "da-da", "Nathan(the-the)" and "caca" lol. His top teeth are coming in so he looks extra cute when he smiles.
I enrolled in my last class needed for my associates degree. It has taken me forever, I 've been taking breaks here and there but im back on track. Go Rachel!
Willie is almost finished with the academy and is doing really well. He should be finished this August, very close to David's 1st birthday which I need to start brainstorming about.
So, thats basically a small update of what my family and I have been up to these past few weeks.
I plan to post pictures soon, I have to re-install the program on my virus infested computer. Sounds gross=/